Informational meeting held on wild rice sulfate standard
Informational meeting held on wild rice sulfate standard
The Iron Ore Alliance on Wednesday brought together more than 45 Iron Range leaders interested in Minnesota’s wild rice water quality standard to work toward a resolution based on science.
Attendees received an update on research and an overview of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) rulemaking process and timeline. Local business leaders and representatives from municipalities received an update about the topic, including information about the MPCA’s public comment period expected to begin in early 2017.
Minnesota has a 43-year-old rule limiting how much sulfate can be discharged into wild rice waters. The current standard of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is not consistently enforced, and there has been significant discussion and research on whether the standard is scientifically supported. Minnesota is the only state with a wild rice sulfate standard.